Friday, December 9, 2011

Something True for Friday

As evidenced by my lack of blogging this week, (and even more so by my lack of guilt about it!), I have had a crazy week. 10-11 hours at the factory each day, and then home for 2-3 hours of freelance work. I am so scared that I will miss the beautiful Christmas season! I don't want all of December to become a blur of stress and neglect.

So I was really happy to hear a couple of true and simple stories from my mom about her Christmas season. It's all I have for pictures or anything.

In my home county of Johnson County, KS, there is a Christmas Bureau every year. Disadvantaged families under the poverty line are allowed to come to the Christmas Bureau each year. In different rooms, they can pick one gift for each of their children and one gift for each adult in the house. They can choose a set number of produce, meat, bread, and dairy products. In yet another room, they can pick a specified number of household items.

Now. This year Mom worked in the adult gift room, and she told me these two stories.

1. There are many single mothers who come through the bureau. This year my mom talked to several of them as they entered the adult gift room. My mom greeted each one saying, "this is the adult gift room. Pick out something for yourself." With these words several of the women teared up. Could this be the first time they've been able to think about something for themselves all year? Do they practice such self-denial to try to make life work for their children, that the mere mention of a choice for themselves touches a deep need?

2. An old man in a wheelchair and taking oxygen pushed himself around the room, starting with the men's section. (Remember this is the section where the adults can pick a gift item for every adult in their household.) This man lived alone, and clearly struggled to make ends meet. After browsing the men's section for a time, my mom noticed him move along to the women's section. The next time she noticed him, he was checking out with a women's gift as his selection. "This is for my nurse," he said. Sweet, unselfish man with no family to buy gifts for still passed up a new item for himself to gift his nurse, who may be his most beloved companion. I melt.

Really makes me think about what to do with my Christmas season this year. It's so easy to help people, and a dollar can go a long way.

PS, speaking of Christmas! Don't forget to check out The UpCycled Pillow giveaway going on now! Designer pillowcases make great stocking stuffers!

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