Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Rest of the Story

Now that you've learned of the little orphans of Haiti, and seen some of the things I love about Haiti, I thought we could share a brief overview of rest of the trip! I'll give the full summary in an upcoming newsletter...let me know if you want to get it!

This was Mountain Walk Day..about 2 miles up, up, up in the hot Haitian sun. That little dot in the road on the left picture is a truck...just for some perspective. I could have sworn we were about to reach the Dominican Republic. See Husband's arm after about 5 minutes:
But it was all worth it when we reached the mountain top village. This is what awaited us:
Beautiful Haitians, fun and games, story telling, wound bandaging, and goofy songs.

We had the privilege of viewing the mass grave from the Jan. 2010 earthquake...the government says that 200,000 people are buried under the gravel, marked by wooden crosses painted black.

Let's see what else was there...
Playground building, bathroom painting, gate painting...
River fording...

Aggressive US vs. Haiti basketball action (the red and white blur is Husband)...

Sleeping in bunks and riding around in the back of a pick up truck...

Group bonding time...

And I'll leave you with this, my favorite part of Haiti : sweet children in tough situations to love on.

Come to Haiti with us next year!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an amazing experience! Tony (husband) has a Haitian guy working for him right now. He lost his baby girl to the earthquake (something I can't begin to imagine). He's here on asylum, but his wife's still stuck there until his court hearing in December. Still loves Jesus though! Even through all that.
    Glad you guys got to go!


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