Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week 8 : Design Days - Phases of the moon

Well you guys, I'm still in to moons. It's true. This design is actually a block print, and therefore it has great texture and organic edges.

Let me know what you think!

This moon phases print is available for free for one week...staring now! Click here.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Week 7 : Design Days - Greenery Sillouettes

Two for one Design Days this week! :) These two prints are digital drafts of some larger acrylic paintings I'm planning for our bedroom. Basically they are experiments. 

Both prints are available for free download this week.

The fern print is here, and the leaf print is here.

The free period for these designs is over :( But don't worry! You can still grab them over at my etsy store! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Week 6 : Design Days - La Luna Moon Painting

This project is a great time to experiment, yes? So I'm going back to watercolors.

Moons and galaxies have been inspiring me a bit lately. Chalk it up to Star Wars or The Martian - or maybe it's just my internal way of pretending I'm the astronaut I planned to be. Whatever it is, they are lovely.

Week 6 is a watercolor moon.

For one week, this 5x7 download is free! Enjoy! 

Never fear! The print is still available on my etsy store :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 5 : Design Days - Let the Adventure Begin

Hello again! I am having such a blast with my personal Design Days project! I haven't been this free-form creative in a long time.

This week's design is a hand-lettered piece I created for my daughter's room. It's about starting the day with a vigorous perspective. Ready for adventure!

For one week, this is design is available for TOTALLY FREE download! Click here.

The one week free download has expired on this print. But don't worry! You can still grab it on my etsy store

Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 4 : Design Days - Micha 6:8

Have you ever read the Bible? It is so chalk full of amazing wisdom. This verse has stuck with me for a while :

And what does the Lord require of you? Seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. - Micha 6:8

Not perfection, not prayer at every meal, not a certain number of good deeds : the Lord requires these heart pursuits. To me that may be harder, but it's also better.

As a personal reminder of this to myself, I created week 4 of my Design Days project. You know that cool calligraphy thing that seems to be everywhere? Here's my first effort. Enjoy!

This quote is available for download - absolutely FREE - for one week form the post date. Get it here!

The free download period for this piece is expired, but you can still purchase it on my etsy store

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week 3 : Design Days - Words to Live By

Occasionally with this project, I will ask for inspiration from people I love. It gives me a glimpse into their world, their heart, their minds. My inspiration this week comes from a friend who is purposefully instituting some big changes in her life. It's hard work, but she keeps her priorities straight. This is a quote she considers often these days...

"Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God."

Week 3 of my Design Day challenge is here!

This is available for download for one week - absolutely free! Just click here. 

The one week free period for this print is over. :( But never fear! :) It is available for purchase here on etsy!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Week 2 Design Days : Growth Takes Time

This is a piece of wisdom I've cultivated over the last few years. Growing my ideal business takes time. Teaching my daughter healthy behavior takes time. Becoming intelligent takes time. And that has to be AOK. The important thing is that I'm moving forward.

So here is week 2. "Growth takes Time" quote with cactus illustrations.

This is available for download for one week - absolutely free! Just click here.  

The one week free download for this item is over. But you can still pick it up on my etsy site! Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Welcome, welcome 2016! Do you have a motto for this year? Here's one option!

This printable 5x7 download will be available for one week after posting - absolutely free!

Now this print is available on my etsy store !

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